Friday, June 9, 2017

“You will go far with CTR.”

What this last quote of the year is saying is to ALWAYS CHOOSE THE RIGHT! When you choose the right good things will come back to you. You will get that car you want, you will graduate high school, you will go to college etc. good things only happen to good people. If you go out and do drugs, drink, and steal where are you going with your life? Where will you end up besides in jail or on house arrest? Don’t do good then all of a sudden start going down hill. You always want to strive to go up! Never down. Yes, there may be some difficulties throughout the year, but you have to learn from your mistakes. Use that as a lesson for the future. Read your goals and put all the effort into achieving them. If you decide to go out and make the wrong choice, think about how your mom will feel if she finds out her son/daughter in in jail or was caught stealing. Would you make your mom proud or will you make her disappointed in you? Don’t always do things to make your family proud, do it because that's what makes you proud. In the end you are going to have yourself to count on when you have fallen to walk the path of success alone. That’s okay though. Maybe on your journey you will find other people that will help you conquer every goal you have set for yourself. You will go far with CTR! Remember that for future references. Always remember to make not only your family happy but yourself happy too.

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